Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was in my 3rd grade class room and we were working on work. My teacher didn't know what happened until another teacher came in and told her to watch the news. She turned it on and we were watching it too and she just turned it off. She thought we were to young to be watching that because there were people jumping out of the buildings and everything else. She got tears in her eyes but didn't actually cry. She walked out of the room and started talking to the other teachers. I remember that Mrs. Green and her husband went to go visit one of their kids in New York and they were going to leave that day. But all of a sudden the planes hit and the airport shut all of the flights down. She had to stay there for a couple more days. She told us about everything when she got back. Personally i was super scared because i was a little young and i didn't know where this happened and i was thinking about my parents because i thought something would happen to them.

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